
"I was an aeronautical engineer and mathematician in my early years, but mostly I've taught Zen Buddism, and tha's where we both met. Not just in meditation, which is what most people think of when they hear Zen, but the Zen of action, of living freely in the world without causing harm, or relieving our own suffering and the suffering of others." 

Bernie Glassman, in The Dude and the Zen Master, 2013


Ainda é longe?

© Nasa & Ana Barros | Great Smoky Mountains National Park

"E se a alma perguntasse «Ainda é longe?», teríamos de responder:
Do outro lado do rio, não deste, mas do que está mais além."

Alejandra Pizarnik, in Dicionário de Lugares Imaginários


© Fernando 

And it’s off in a cab to Brasileira, the cafe in Chiado
Where Fernando Pessoa spent so much time writing his immortal
Multiple-personality-disorder poems,
Now called Dissociated Identity Disorder.

Frederick Seidel, in Nice Weather



© Teatro Maria Matos | Marc Almond
© Teatro Maria Matos | Marc Almond

You were happy as a sandboy
Always had a cheerful song to sing
Forever looking for the sandboy
Whatever happened to him
Happened to him

Marc Almond, in Varieté, 2010


© Gonçalo M. Tavares & Os Espacialistas| Atlas do corpo e da imaginação, 2013

“A literatura é uma investigação que não termina”

John Grant | Pale Green Ghosts, 2013

Back then I often found myself
Driving on the road at night,
And the radio was broadcasting the ocean.
Warm late Spring wind whips through my hair.
And no one in this world is gonna stop me.


© Alex Kozobolis 

Voices, loved and idealized,
of those who have died, or of those
lost for us like the dead.
Sometimes they speak to us in dreams;
sometimes deep in thought the mind hears them.
And with their sound for a moment return
sounds from our life’s first poetry—
like music at night, distant, fading away

C.P. Cavafy, in Collected Poems 


Something's Gotten Hold Of My Heart

"We love poets for the things their poems lead us to imagine; but equally, we love them for how we imagine their lives to be." 

Orhan Pamuk, in Other Countries, Other Shores 


as time goes by

USMA - A clock without a visual interface.


Martin L Gore | Counterfeit 2, 2003

"In My Time of Dying" (traditional, Gore's version is primarily influenced by Bob Dylan's recording, but Led Zeppelin version is more well known.)
"Stardust" (written by David Essex)
"I Cast a Lonesome Shadow" (written by Hank Thompson/Lynn Russwurm)
"In My Other World" (written by Julee Cruise/Louis Tucci)
"Loverman" (written by Nick Cave)
"By This River" (written by Brian Eno/Hans-Joachim Roedelius/Dieter Moebius)
"Lost in the Stars"2 (written by Maxwell Anderson/Kurt Weill)
"Oh My Love" (written by John Lennon/Yoko Ono)
"Das Lied vom einsamen Mädchen" (written by Werner R. Heyman/Robert Gilbert, originally performed by Nico)
"Tiny Girls" (written by David Bowie/Iggy Pop)
"Candy Says" (written by Lou Reed, originally performed by The Velvet Underground)


stupid, disturbing and hilarious

"About twenty years ago, I was wachting the evening news, and a story came on about a small town somewhere in the south whose board of education - because of budget difficulties, I think - had decide to dispense with the teaching of foreign languages. A number of local citizens were interviewed on camera and asked to give their reactions to this new development, and one man said - and this is an exact quote; his words burned themselves into my brain and have been lodged ther ever since - : «I have no problem with it, no problem at all. If English was enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me»."

Paul Auster, in Here and Now - letters 2008-2011 - Paul Auster and J.M.Coetzee


© Gerhard Richter | Townscape Madrid, 1968

Ao cuidado de Valkirio.


To fight is to kiss.

© Wong Kar Wai | The Grandmaster, 2013

The actor trained for four years before shooting, working with Duncan Leung, who met Ip Man through Bruce Lee, and his son Darren. "I used to think kung fu was just fighting techniques, defense, things like that," [Tony] Leung says. "But it's very much like meditation, how to have a mind free from emotion and desire. It's about training your mind to achieve harmony with your opponent. You don't anticipate, you don't expect, you don't decide anything, you just follow your opponent's movements."

Wong [Kar Wai] quotes a Chinese saying, "To fight is to kiss." You have to get very close, you have to be confident, your whole body is pressed against your opponent. And there is this stillness—it's easy to trick the audience when you are moving, dancing around. The most difficult part is the pose, it has to be flawless. You move your hand like this," he says, demonstrating, "and it has to be flawless."

Daniel Eagan, in Lessons from 'The Grandmaster': Wong Kar Wai chronicles life of legendary martial artist Ip Man, aqui.


© Angelo Merendino, 2007

"I began to photograph our everyday life, hoping to show the reality of living with this horrible disease. As time passed, trust grew, and at a certain point Jen stopped feeling like she had to pose, she was just Jen… happy, sad, silly, or whatever she was feeling at that moment. Now that Jen has passed, I look at these photographs and I feel our love."

Angelo Merendino, aqui.


work in progress

© Edouard Boubat

"Marriage is above all a conversation, and if husband and wife do not figure out to became friends, the marriage has little chance of surviving. Friendship is a component of marriage, but marriage is an ever-evolving free-for-all, a continual work in progress, a constant demand to reach down into one's depths and reinvent oneself in relation to the other..." 

Paul Auster, in Here and Now - letters 2008-2011 - Paul Auster and J.M.Coetzee


Estava frio

© Fernando | Alentejo, 2013 

"Li algures que nas regiões boreais, quando chega o inverno, a congelação da superfície dos lagos ocorre por vezes de uma forma súbita, como um golpe de sorte que cristaliza o frio, uma pedra atirada à água, um peixe que salta fora dela e ao cair um segundo depois é apanhado na lisura do gelo." Fernando 



God Is In The House

Higgs Boson Blues . Far From Me . Stranger Than Kindness . The Mercy Seat . And No More Shall We Part . Wide Lovely Eyes . Mermaids . People Ain’t No Good . Into My Arms . God Is In The House . Push The Sky Away . Jack The Ripper


© Mark Seliger  
© Fernando | Alentejo, 2013

E não há Inverno, se vires, não há Verão,
há só febre dentro das costelas, imenso azul
e palavras a despirem-se na boca.

Sándor Csoóri


© Colin Kenniff

Peter Broderick: I hope the little people inside survived?
Colin Kenniff: They did. It was a small miracle.


atlas do corpo e da imaginação

Gonçalo M. Tavares & Os Espacialistas

O Corpo no MétodoO Corpo no MundoO Corpo no CorpoO Corpo na Imaginação


Emily Wells | Mama, 2012

Tal como o mar me consola com a sua profundeza
porque não consigo contar a água,
pois é maior que toda a terra
por onde as pessoas andam,
porque há peixes a quem esse espaço pertence,
pois ele não é das pessoas,

consola-me não me recordar de lá ter estado,
ter feito isto ou aquilo,
daquele bibe, ou daquele vestido,
daquelas meias até ao joelho, ao lado daquela miúda,
ao colo do senhor com a guitarra, 
ao colo da avó quando tinha sete meses.

E nos momentos dos quais não há fotografias,
também lá ter estado.

Tjiske Jansen 


© Fernando | Autumn so well done, 2013

"Há dias em que até o cronista mais cínico se reconcilia com o mundo. O mundo é o mesmo, as pessoas são as mesmas, a existência não deixou de ser a tragédia absurda de sempre. Porém, de súbito, no meio do Inverno, o Sol rompe gloriosamente entre as ramagens descarnadas das árvores, o céu é alto e limpo, a luz quase magoa, de tão branca, e então, insensatamente, tudo, mundo e existência, parece fazer sentido.
Talvez, quem sabe?, o coração precise de mais um pretexto para repousar por um momento da desesperança e os olhos para se abrirem para o calor das coisas e para a alegria. Mas em dias assim dir-se-ia que tudo se conjuga numa imensa conspiração contra o cepticismo."

Manuel António Pina, in Por outras palavras


© Nuri Bilge Ceylan

"Ao anoitecer, regresso a casa morto de cansaço. Olhando a direito, para as estradas e os passeios. Zangado com qualquer coisa, magoado, enraivecido. Embora a minha imaginação continue a conjurar belas imagens, nem estas se demoram no filme da minha cabeça. O tempo passa. Não há nada. Já é noite. Perdição e derrota. O que há para o jantar?
Depois estendi suavemente a mão, afastei as cortinas e, na escuridão do exterior, vislumbrei a Lua. Os outros mundos são os melhores consolos. Na Lua estavam a ver televisão. Terminei com uma laranja - era muito doce - e o meu espírito animou-se.
E então eu era o senhor de todos os mundos. Compreendem o que quero dizer, não compreendem? Cheguei a casa ao anoitecer. Cheguei a casa vindo de todas as aquelas guerras, boas, más e indiferentes; regressei inteiro e entrei numa casa aquecida. Tinha uma refeição à minha espera e enchi o estômago; as luzes estavam acesas; comi a minha fruta. Comecei até a pensar que tudo se iria resolver pelo melhor.
Depois pressionei o botão e vi televisão. Nessa altura já me sentia bem, sabem?"

Orhan Pamuk, in Outras cores - ensaios sobre a vida, a arte, os livros e as cidades


Chantal Acda | Let your hands be my guide, 2013

We Will, We Must
My Night
Own Time
Arms Up High
We Must Hold On


Low Roar | Low Roar, 2011

Give Up
Just A Habit
Nobody Else
Low Roar
Friends Make Garbage (Good Friends Take It Out)
The Painter
Help Me
Rolling Over
Because We Have To
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight

the secret life of...

Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds | The Boatman's Call, 1997

"Love songs that attach themselves to actual experience, that are a poeticising of real events, have a beauty unto themselves. They stay alive in the same way memories do and, being alive, they grow up and undergo changes and develop. If a song is too weak to do that, if it is lacking in sufficient stamina and the will to endure, sadly, it will not survive. You'll come home one day and find it dead in the bottom of its cage. Its soul will have been reclaimed and all that will remain is a pile of useless words."

Nick Cave, in The secret life of the love song - The complet lyrics 1978 - 2013


© Li Hui

Vidro Azul 
© Julien Mauve | Lonely Window, 2013

"o próprio pano de que é feita a solidão"

Rui Pires Cabral


bye bye

Destroyer | Five Spanish songs, 2013

"It was 2013. The English language seemed spent, despicable, not easily singable. It felt over for English; good for business transactions, but that's about it. The only other language I know is Spanish, and the only Spanish songs I really know are those of Sr. Chinarro, led by Antonio Luque. I've been a decades-long fan of how he conducted his affairs, his strange words, his melodies that have always felt so natural (this is important), his bitter songs about painting the light. Something about them, I knew I could do it..." 

Dan Bejar, in Pitchfork


© Fernando | Verão, 2010

"Não somos simples, como os nossos amigos gostariam que fôssemos para irmos de encontro da necessidade que têm de nós. E, no entanto, o amor é simples." 

Virginia Woolf, in As ondas


© Henri Cartier-Bresson

"A sudden brain wave. The best and the most lasting friendship are based on admiration. This is the bedrock feeling that connects two people over the long term. You admire someone for what he does, for what he is, for how he negotiates his path through the world. Your admiration enhances him in your eyes, ennobles him, elevates him to a status you believe is above your own. And if that person admires you as well - and therefore enhances you, ennobles you, elevates you to a status he believes is above his own - then you are in a position of absolute equality. You are both giving more than you receive, both receiving more than you give, and in the reciprocity of this exchange, friendship blooms." 

Paul Auster, in Paul Auster & J.M.Coetzee: letters 2008 - 2011


 © Radiohead | Street Spirit (Fade Out)The Bends, 1995

Feliz aquele que administra sabiamente
a tristeza e aprende a reparti-la pelos dias

Ruy Belo

Love is the drug

© The Guardian | Nick Cave

"Like most of us, Nick Cave has fallen in love a fair few times. Unlike most, he writes songs about it: sad, angry, violent songs. For the song to be true, he says, it has to recognise the potential for pain behind every love." 

in The Guardian | The secret life of the love song - The complet lyrics


Esta vai ser a verdadeira noite feliz.

© Mike Owen | Marc Almond

Donald Keene: Japão, 1953

"Sometimes, it is true, I fear that senility may overtake me, as it has overtaken some of my friends. There is nothing more heartbreaking than look into the eyes of a close friend and see no sign of recognition."

Donal Keene, in Chornicles of my life - an american in the heart of Japan


sou eu quem chama

© Fernando | Évora, 2013

"A casa agora é feita d'ângulos agudos,
de perguntas, de poços descobertos,
e nós perdemo-nos por dentro d'outros mundos
por portas que se abriram para dentro.

O meu coração repousa
na cave no meio da minha vida
e eu vagueio lá fora entre os sentidos.
Sou eu quem chama, não me ouves bater?"

Manuel António Pina


© Bernardo Martins | Dublin, 2013

Uma moldura vazia
Um lugar para chamar de casa
Um lugar para a família e os amigos


A voice that made all the angels of eternity sound... tone deaf.

© Eddie White & Ari Gibson | The Cat Piano, 2009
© Eddie White & Ari Gibson | The Cat Piano, 2009